Imog is a intermunicipal co-operation for waste treatment in the region of South-West-Flanders. Imog takes care of the integrated waste treatment of 11 municipalities: Anzegem, Avelgem, Deerlijk Harelbeke, Kortrijk, Kruisem, Kuurne, Spiere-Helkijn, Waregem, Wielsbeke and Zwevegem, representing 245,000 inhabitants. Imog has 2 plants with their specific activities (such as a household waste incinerator, landfilling site, biomass center, solar pannel plant and 2 sorting centers) and an extensive network of selective waste collection with 16 civic amnity points, 300 glass containers and several shemes for kerbside collection. Imog also gives a wide range of services to the municipalities such as extensive communication services and recently with a link to sustainability with sustainability officers.
Mijn recruitersaccount
Stuur ons een e-mail met uw officieel Imog emailadres. Ons team zal uw aanvraag en contactgegevens valideren en zal uw account ontgrendelen wanneer alles correct is.
Over ons:
Kortrijksesteenweg 264
8530 Harelbeke
België Bedrijfslocatie:
Kortrijksesteenweg 264
8530 Harelbeke